As per SEBI circular: SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09, following are the details of the comparative commission earned by Tikona capital (India) Pvt Ltd from various fund-houses, whose products are being distributed:
Tikona Capital (India) Pvt Ltd. could also receive reimbursements towards promotion and marketing related activities conducted on behalf of AMCs. These reimbursements are event based and may or may not be received by AMCs in a particular period. Further, these activities cannot be attributed to any particular scheme. These rates are updated and when actual rates are received from AMC.
The right side Schedule of Commissions is for the period 01-Jul-2022 to 30- Sep-2022. It is subject to change, without any prior consent and at a sole discretion and agreement between Tikona Capital (India) Pvt Ltd and the respective Mutual Funds.